[Quiz] Is *this* causing your weight gain?

I have a confession to make. A few years ago, I was a bit of a sugar and carb addict…

I needed coffee (loaded with sugary creamer) to get through my morning. I reached for chocolate every afternoon. And at night, I’d sit in front of the TV eating whatever my treat of choice was at the time – ice cream, popcorn, chips, or cookies.

At the time, I didn’t realize HOW sugar was impacting me.

I knew I was tired and irritable, and I struggled with my weight, but I didn’t know it was connected to my sugar consumption.

At the time, I thought all calories were equal. Is there really a difference between eating a bagel vs. an apple with almond butter?

There’s so much conflicting information out there about food these days that it can get pretty darn confusing to figure out what to eat to lose weight.

If you’ve been battling with your weight, I want to help you pinpoint WHY that may be happening, so you can stop struggling and finally release those excess pounds.

Before I dig into this, a quiz for you…


Quiz: Are You a Sugar & Carb Addict?

If you’re like most of my clients, you’re struggling to lose weight, but you don’t know whether or not you have a problem with sugar & carbs specifically. This short quiz will help you start to figure this out. Read the following questions and answer yes/no for each one.

  1. You crave sweets or carbs (such as chips, crackers, bread, pasta) every day, but think it’s just “how you’re wired.”
  2. Do you reach for a sugar-laden coffee drink, muffin, bagel, donut, or sugary cereal to kick-start your morning?
  3. You get through most of the day eating healthy, but you can’t seem to resist eating a sugar-laden coffee drink, soda, candy, other sweets or carbs mid-afternoon.
  4. After a long exhausting day, you typically use sweets or carbs to wind down at night.
  5. Do you often eat more sugar than you plan to? Do you find that it’s difficult to stop after eating a small portion?
  6. Do you find it next to impossible to abstain from sweets and carbs when they’re in front of you?
  7. Do you often feel like you’re not in control of what you’re eating – almost as if there’s another force inside you that’s taking charge and derailing your plans?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then there’s a good chance sugar is impacting your weight. While you may not be happy to know this, the good news is that there’s an easy fix. (More on this later.)

You’re Not Alone

Answering yes to any of the above questions can feel depressing and like you’re a failure.  You may feel different from everyone else and wonder why you don’t have more willpower.

You are far from alone. Almost every client I work with struggles with sugar & carbs. In fact, I’ve been in the same place you are, where I just couldn’t seem to get through the afternoon slump without a sweet treat. I couldn’t resist the cookies offered during a meeting at work or the chocolate candy in the vending machine.

I tried to eat well but ended up eating foods that sabotaged my efforts to lose weight. That’s because at the time, I really didn’t realize just HOW sugar was impacting me.

Once you learn the direct correlation between sugar and your metabolism, and discover exactly why it makes weight loss so difficult, you’ll feel more empowered and able to take back control of your diet.


How Sugar& Carbs Prevent You From Losing Weight

Remember earlier when I shared that I used to think that all calories were created equal?

Boy was I wrong!  And let me explain why…

Sugar wreaks havoc with your metabolism. By eating sugar, you force your body to hold onto excess weight.

When you consume sugar, your body attempts to remove it from your bloodstream as quickly as possible.

It first tries to use it as energy, but it often can’t, so it turns to Plan B: fat storage. Fat is your body’s way of hanging onto calories when it can’t use them right away, and while this was a useful mechanism back in hunter-gatherer days when famine was frequent, now it’s a nuisance at best!

When you eat sugar, your best-case scenario is that you use it right away and aren’t burning the fat your body is already holding onto. Worst  case? You’re just adding to those energy stores, for “later”. In other words, you’re gaining weight.

Good News: Willpower is NOT the Solution

Now you may be thinking that the answer is that you simply need to be “tougher” and have more willpower.

But here’s the thing: willpower only lasts so long.  It’s not the long-term solution you’re looking for.

Sure, if you’re determined, you can set your mind to removing certain foods from your diet. But if you don’t understand the underlining reasons WHY you’re experiencing cravings (and address them), they’re sneaky and they’ll creep back in.

This is the main reason that most diets don’t work long term.

When I discovered this, it was a HUGE relief. I no longer beat myself up for being “weak” and unable to stick to a diet.

The solution is to pinpoint what’s causing your cravings. There are a few main culprits and once you know what they are, you can eliminate your cravings so sugar and carbs no longer have a hold on you.

I’ve been sharing my strategies to kick these cravings with clients for almost 15 years and they can’t believe how much easier it’s been for them to lose weight.

I’m incredibly excited to share these same strategies with you!

Are you ready to take your health to the next level?


FREE Digestive Wellness Breakthrough Session

I want to offer a complimentary 30 minute Digestive Wellness Breakthrough Session so that you can end the battle of the belly bulge!

I work with women who are struggling with digestive issues – like bloating, gas, constipation, belly pain, and acid reflux/heartburn, and want to finally free themselves from embarrassing, and often painful and uncomfortable symptoms.

My clients have often been struggling with these digestive issues for years – and they’ve often tried lots of things that haven’t worked… so they think it’s something they just have to live with.

If this sounds like you, I’d love for you to invest 30 minutes of your time with me so that I can serve you on your health and wellness journey to digestive wellness. No cost, no sales pitch just value paid forward from me to you.

Nothing changes unless something changes – if you want different results you are going to have to try a different approach.

I am ready to help you create better partnership with your body in a way that is natural and easy to maintain so you feel balanced, healthy and motivated to achieve your unique goals.



✓ You’re looking to end the struggle with belly bloat and gas, stomach pain and cramping, fatigue, brain fog, etc.

✓ You want to be able to get through a meal without burping, having to run to the bathroom, or pop antacids like candy.

✓ You’re ready to receive top-notch support to break through the barriers that have been standing in your way.

✓ You know it’s time to drop the constant vicious cycle of your digestive issues and step into the life you truly desire and feel confident about.

With the right tools in place, you can have the healthy and vibrant-filled life you deserve. And my goal is to help you get there!

Click here to book your complimentary session today!

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